"مقابلة في دائرة الضوء"

الاسم:  Keisha  العمر: 31 yrs. old

البلد: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

النوع الفرعي LGMD : Unknown


في أي عمر تم تشخيصك:

I was diagnosed about 5 years ago at the age of 25-26.

ما هي أعراضك الأولى:

I noticed that I was repeatedly falling and that my leg would give out without any warning.  I also recall that I was unable to raise my right arm unless I had assistance.

هل لديك أفراد آخرون من عائلتك مصابون بداء تضخم الغدد اللمفاوية الجنيني:

So far, no one in my family has muscular dystrophy but I plan to have my parents tested to see if they are carriers.

ما هي في رأيك أكبر التحديات التي تواجهك في التعايش مع داء الليثيوم المتعدد الكيسات؟:

One of the greatest challenges is always having to plan ahead – if going out with friends or family to make sure the place is handicapped accessible.  Every day it also takes me longer to get dressed in the morning.

ما هو أعظم إنجازاتك:

Coming to the fact that I have LGMD and still trying to figure out which form of LGMD.  And learning to embrace it.

كيف أثرت عليك LGMD لتصبح الشخص الذي أنت عليه اليوم:

I feel LGMD has made me an unique individual helped me to bring awareness of the disease to others that don’t know much about it.  Having LGMD has helped me to become stronger and more independent.  I know that having LGMD is a part of me, I am human and still have my days just like anyone else.  I am a strong and proud woman with LGMD.

ما الذي تريد أن يعرفه العالم عن LGMD:

LGMD is something that currently has no cure.  It is something that won’t go away.  Physical therapy and aquatic therapy help manage the disease.  Even with LGMD, we are still strong and can live a normal life just like anyone else.

إذا كان من الممكن "علاج" مرضك بالتهاب الغدد اللمفاوية الروماتيزمية غدًا، فما هو أول شيء تريد القيام به:

If I could be cured tomorrow, I would want to run a marathon, run up and down the stairs, and take a big vacation somewhere to celebrate!


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