
LGMD "Spotlight-Interview"

Name:  Thomas                                AGE: 31LGMD2B - Thomas

LAND: Switzerland

LGMD Unter-Typ: LGMD 2B / Miyoshi Myopathy


In welchem Alter wurde bei Ihnen die Diagnose gestellt?:

My first diagnosis (biopsy) was at 28, followed by the proof with genetic test one year later.

Was waren Ihre ersten Symptome?:

That is not so easy to say. Now I know where I have to look at, so many examples out of my memories came up; in my childhood we had a steeply rising stair around our home, where I always had difficulties to climb because the steps are very short. In teen age I started snowboarding, there I was not able to give much pressure to the front edge of the board. As young adult I could not jump to the music in discos. At age 24 / 25 I realized that I was not able to stand on my toes and my calve-muscles are actually inexistent. In the last few years I saw that my leg and arm muscles are shortening.

At 18 my doctor told me that I have too high creatine kinase values in my blood. It was around 250 – 300 somethings, too low for well-known diseases and too high to be normal. Now I know that this was the first medical indicator to Miyoshi.

Haben Sie andere Familienmitglieder, die LGMD haben?

Yes, my sister has LGMD too. Her symptoms (stand on toes, creatine kinase) are the same, but she seems to be less affected.

Was sind für Sie die größten Herausforderungen im Leben mit LGMD?:

In my opinion, the greatest challenge is to accept this challenge! At the first time after diagnosis, it was hard to accept. You need psychological strength to deal with that. Also when you look at your course of disease, not to overrate or underrate the symptoms and effects. By looking into the future, you always have to plan things with LGMD in mind (maybe you need a wheel chair in 5, 7, or 10 years).

Was ist Ihre größte Errungenschaft?:

To accept LGMD and enjoy doing things I won’t be able to do in future.

Wie hat LGMD Sie zu der Person gemacht, die Sie heute sind?

My diagnosis came just at the beginning of my Master study. Beside my Bachelor and Master study (fulltime study) I was working at weekends and school holidays. Now I work part time and have a good reason to enjoy my leisure time with my wife, our dogs and our garden. I value more what I have now.

Was möchten Sie der Welt über LGMD mitteilen?:

That it exists. I think there are many unrecorded cases of LGMD.

Wenn Ihre LGMD morgen "geheilt" werden könnte, was würden Sie als Erstes tun wollen?:

I have just lost my driver license for trucks and coaches because of Miyoshi. It was not only a job to finance my studies, it was also my hobby. So I would get it back and drive around.


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