LGMD "Spotlight-Interview"
Land: Vereinigte Staaten
LGMD Unter-Typ: LGMD2i
In welchem Alter wurde bei Ihnen die Diagnose gestellt?:
Die Diagnose wurde bei mir im Alter von 30 Jahren gestellt.
Was waren Ihre ersten Symptome?:
My first symptom was leg weakness. I remember stepping over a roll of carpet and falling down because my leg gave out. I walked with an unusual gait. And, I was not able to do one sit up without grabbing my legs to pull myself up.
Haben Sie andere Familienmitglieder, die LGMD haben?
Nein, ich bin der einzige in meiner Familie mit LGMD.
Was sind für Sie die größten Herausforderungen im Leben mit LGMD?:
Definitely, stairs are my greatest challenge right now. In fact, any step with a riser higher than 3″ is either extremely difficult or a no go. At first, I would compensate for my leg weakness by using my arms on the railing to get up a set of stairs, but in the last few years, my arm strength has been compromised.
Was ist Ihre größte Errungenschaft?:
I have many small triumphs that I have accomplished. One being able to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. My biggest accomplishment though would be accepting and embracing my condition (LGMD), by doing so I have opened up so many more doors and possibilities in my life. I have learned that my condition doesn’t define who I am as a person.
Wie hat LGMD Sie zu der Person gemacht, die Sie heute sind?
LGMD has taught me many things in my life, the biggest one though, would be patience. I have always been a patient person, but I have learned that things don’t happen to me on my timetable, they happen to me when I am ready for them.
Was möchten Sie der Welt über LGMD mitteilen?:
- That Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy is not a clothing garment.
- That LGMD is simply a test, we are all going through some sort of test in life, mine is LGMD. It’s a matter of “choice” in how I’m going to react and what I’m going to do about it. I’ve got no right to do any less than anybody else. Yes, I have Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, but it will never have me.
Wenn Ihre LGMD morgen "geheilt" werden könnte, was würden Sie als Erstes tun wollen?:
I would go for a run!
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