Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ex libero, auctor a viverra id, iaculis et enim. Vivamus suscipit mollis ante, sit amet dapibus erat volutpat eleifend. Praesent ultrices non justo in auctor. Morbi eget metus a magna vestibulum interdum ut sed felis. Curabitur at justo sed leo tempor laoreet in ac ex. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris in orci convallis, sagittis urna sed, vulputate enim. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin ante dolor, rhoncus eu est in, laoreet accumsan purus. Vivamus a gravida justo, pretium pulvinar urna. Nullam fringilla commodo massa, ut eleifend quam laoreet vel. Vestibulum quis metus nisi. Etiam ullamcorper semper dui, pretium feugiat felis efficitur et.

Understanding Career Opportunities and Employment Benefits

This high-level toolkit will help you make the most of the many opportunities for part-time, full-time, and remote work available to people living with a rare disease. This guide also includes tips and advice from rare disease patients and experts to help you make smart decisions and avoid common and costly mistakes. 

A Step-by-Step Guide for Obtaining a Wheelchair

Getting a proper wheelchair is so important for enhancing your function, maintaining comfort and improving your independence. It is a big decision…so you want to be well informed throughout the entire process.

  • "Mobility Map” – an online step by step guide on how to get “The Right Wheelchair” for your specific needs!

Caring for Yourself and Your Children

This toolkit is designed as a guide for parents who live with a rare disease. In addition to recognizing the emotional impact of being both a caregiver and a patient, this toolkit provides guidance to parents on the practical elements of living with a rare disease, such as employment, insurance, applying for social benefits, and everyday health management.

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