Nombre: Scott Edad: 48 yrs. old
País: Estados Unidos
Subtipo LGMD: LGMD 2L – also known as Anoctaminopathy
¿A qué edad le diagnosticaron:
Although my MD began about 15 years ago, I was finally diagnosed recently with limb-girdle MD Type 2L. Until now, I was only informed by doctors that it was LGMD.
¿Cuáles fueron sus primeros síntomas?:
I began having difficulty climbing stairs and running.
¿Tiene otros familiares que padezcan LGMD?
¿Cuáles crees que son los mayores retos de vivir con LGMD?:
I have always been an independent person. Since I am an only child, I always did things on my own. Lately, I have had to rely more and more on family and friends. Also, it drives me nuts as to how long it takes me to do things now.
¿Cuál es su mayor logro?:
I am proud to have completed college and earned my degree.
Also, I am happy to have worked 30 years for the same company before having to resign due my struggling with MD.
¿Cómo le ha influido la LGMD para convertirse en la persona que es hoy?
I am still trying to develop patience. I take pride in accomplishing tasks that once I took for granted.
¿Qué quiere que el mundo sepa sobre la LGMD?:
Please continue to support local and national MD charities whether it be financially or volunteering time to those in need. It is greatly appreciated.
Si su LGMD pudiera "curarse" mañana, ¿qué sería lo primero que desearía hacer?:
Walk unassisted down by the ocean at one of my local beaches.
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