7th Annual LGMD Awareness Day – September 30, 2021


As the world celebrates the 7th annual GIORNATA DI SENSIBILIZZAZIONE SULLA LGMD su 30 settembre 2021, we invite you to help us Advocate • Educate • Celebrate!

There is great strength in awareness, understanding and unity. The LGMD community demonstrates global connectivity each year when we campaign together and gain recognition for limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD). With over 30 different genetic types of LGMD, the act of collaborating globally makes us stronger than we could ever be alone. Whether you are a long-time community member, or new to the scene, your participation in the 2021 LGMD Awareness Day activities is important. Awareness can spread much faster with more individuals, from all parts of the world, sharing their spirit remotely through re-posts, shout outs and snaps of the LGMD Awareness sticker to your favorite platforms. There is power in action.


Take a moment to shine a light on the importance of LGMD Awareness today!

LGMD Girdie Sticker 070121



Upload a picture of you and your Girdie sticker to social media on or around September 30. Please include your location, the hashtag #LGMDawareness and don’t forget to tag @LGMDawareness so we can see where in the world Girdie is spreading LGMD awareness!



Help Girdie educate the world about LGMD. Share these facts with family, friends, co-workers, and your community.

1. Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) is rare neuromuscular conditions that causes severe muscle loss and affects people all over the world.

2. Early symptoms of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) may include difficulty climbing stairs, frequent falls, difficulty rising from a seated position or even the inability to stand on toes.

3. Currently there is no cure, but every year, science is moving closer to a treatment for limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) thanks to the members of the scientific community and the organizations who fund their research efforts.

4. There are over 30 different types of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD), each caused by mutations in a different gene. Because the different forms of LGMD look very similar in clinical tests, genetic testing is required to confirm a diagnosis.

For more LGMD Facts, click qui.

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As you celebrate, consider wearing lime green colored attire and wristbands to help raise awareness. When posting your pictures on social media, please include your location, the hashtag #LGMDawareness and don’t forget to tag @LGMDawareness.

LGMD Awareness Foundation, Inc. and the consortium of LGMD Foundations

Coalizione per la cura della calpaina 3

Fondazione CureLGMD2i

Fondazione Jain

Fondazione Kurt+Peter

Fondazione LGMD-1D DNAJB6

Fondazione LGMD2D

LGMD2i Research Fund

Fondazione LGMD2L

Laboratorio McColl-Lockwood per la ricerca MD

Stichting SpierKracht

La Fondazione Speak

I nostri partner per l'advocacy

ADM Argentina – Grupo LGMD Argentina

Asociación Proyecto Alpha

Ayushkama Foundation


Conquistando Escalones ODV

Daniel Ferguson LGMD Foundation Ltd

GFB Onlus

Groupe d’intérêt LGMD de l’AFM-TELETHON

Indian Association of Muscular Dystrophy

LGMD Network CAB

Associazione per la distrofia muscolare

Muscular Dystrophy Association of NZ

Muscular Dystrophy UK

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Newcastle University

Russian LGMD Patient Group

Syneos Health

TREAT-NMD Neuromuscular Network Ltd

UILDM – Sezione Milano – Gruppo Cingoli

We Gratefully Acknowledge

Sarepta Logo

for generously underwriting this year’s Girdie Sticker Campaign

I nostri partner per l'advocacy