

名前:  Lacey    年齢: 42LGMD2i - Lacey

国名: United States

LGMDサブタイプ: LGMD2i



I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at 16 and LGMD2i at 34. Both diagnosis’ came over the phone. In hindsight, I wish the doctors would have told me in person, I had so many questions and was scared.


The first symptoms I noticed were painful leg cramps when running and not being able to keep up with the other kids. I was told I was lazy and to try harder in PE and in softball. I remember thinking, “I am trying as hard as I can, how do I make myself go faster like the other kids?”


No, I don’t have any other family members with LGMD.


The constant changes and trying to find ways to adapt to my new normal.


My greatest accomplishment is living each day as it comes with compassion and courage, being a wife to my supportive husband, and a mom to our loving girls.


LGMD has forced me to slow down, to become present and aware. I am a stronger, more empathetic person because of this disease. I have learned to cry and laugh at the same time.


I would want the world to have more awareness of LGMD, especially doctors. I know for many of us, the road to getting a diagnosis is a long one and it doesn’t have to be. Some LGMD’s have cardiac and pulmonary issues and I think it’s essential to have knowledgeable doctors monitoring and providing support.

もし明日、あなたのLGMDが「治る」としたら、まず何をしたいですか?:  The first thing I would want to do, is run-I wish I could remember what it feels like.  Sometimes when I’m driving in my scooter, I close my eyes and pretend I’m running-it gets a bit dangerous 🙂