LGMD "스포트라이트 인터뷰"

이름:  Scott  나이: 48 yrs. oldLGMD2L - Scott

국가: 미국

LGMD 하위 유형:  LGMD 2L – also known as Anoctaminopathy


몇 살에 진단받으셨나요?:

Although my MD began about 15 years ago, I was finally diagnosed recently with limb-girdle MD Type 2L. Until now, I was only informed by doctors that it was LGMD.

첫 증상은 무엇이었나요?:

I began having difficulty climbing stairs and running.

다른 가족 중에 LGMD를 앓고 있는 사람이 있나요?


LGMD와 함께 생활하면서 가장 어려운 점은 무엇인가요?:

I have always been an independent person.  Since I am an only child, I always did things on my own. Lately, I have had to rely more and more on family and friends.  Also, it drives me nuts as to how long it takes me to do things now.

가장 큰 성과는 무엇인가요?:

I am proud to have completed college and earned my degree.

Also, I am happy to have worked 30 years for the same company before having to resign due my struggling with MD.

LGMD가 지금의 자신을 만드는 데 어떤 영향을 미쳤나요?

I am still trying to develop patience. I take pride in accomplishing tasks that once I took for granted.

LGMD에 대해 전 세계에 알리고 싶은 내용:

Please continue to support local and national MD charities whether it be financially or volunteering time to those in need. It is greatly appreciated.

내일 LGMD가 "완치"될 수 있다면 가장 먼저 하고 싶은 일은 무엇인가요?:

Walk unassisted down by the ocean at one of my local beaches.


더 많은 'LGMD 스포트라이트 인터뷰'를 읽거나 다음 인터뷰에 출연을 신청하려면 다음 웹사이트를 방문하세요: