< LGMD 인식 개선 툴킷으로 돌아가기
Girdie W: Marker

LGMD Awareness Coloring Contest Rules

색칠 실력을 뽐내고 LGMD(사지 거들 근이영양증)에 대한 인식을 높일 준비를 하세요! 신진 아티스트든 노련한 프로든, 컬러링 콘테스트에 여러분을 초대합니다.

Here’s what you need to know:

Who Can Enter:

This contest is open to everyone, including children, adults and international participants!

How To Enter:

Download your coloring sheet, snap a photo of your colorful creation and upload it by September 30, 2024.

Enter To Win:

Download the age appropriate coloring sheet below and then get creative coloring. Just one masterpiece per participant, so make it count!


"*"는 필수 필드를 나타냅니다.

Age Category*
허용되는 파일 형식: jpeg, png, tiff, pdf, 최대 파일 크기: 100 MB.
이 필드는 유효성 검사 용도로 사용되며 변경하지 않아야 합니다.



We’ll be evaluating all the entries after LGMD Awareness Day.

We’re looking for creativity that jumps off the page! Show us your unique take and dazzle our judges.


If you’ve colored your way to the top, expect an email from us!

Each age group champion will receive an Award Certificate. Winners in the Continental United States will snag an art basket brimming with goodies, valued at $75, sponsored by our marketing firm, Dooley & Associates. Winners outside the Continental US will receive a gift certificate.


This isn’t just about winning; it’s about spreading awareness and expressing ourselves for a great cause. So, grab those art supplies, unleash your imagination, and let’s color for LGMD awareness!
Lgmd Awareness Day 10 Year Logo

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Sarepta Silversponsor