Nazwa: Ralph WIEK: 58 Yrs. Old
Kraj: Stany Zjednoczone
Podtyp LGMD: LGMD2L / Anoctaminopathy
W jakim wieku zostałeś zdiagnozowany?:
I started having symptoms at age 47, back in 2006 and was diagnosed by 2011 when LGMD2L was discovered.
Jakie były pierwsze objawy?:
Leg weakness. I was a big weightlifter and in my 30s had been bench pressing 300 pounds and squatting 400 pounds. But I felt weakness in my left leg and I went to the gym and tried to leg press with one leg at a time. My right leg was able to press 250 pounds but my left was lagging at 150 pounds.
Czy masz innych członków rodziny cierpiących na LGMD?
I have one brother confirmed with 2L. There may be others but we don’t know yet.
Co uważasz za największe wyzwanie w życiu z LGMD?:
Getting around in all situations. Stairs are hard. Getting out of a chair is hard. Walking is doable but getting more difficult to do for longer distances. And falls always happen if knees buckle or you trip or slip.
Jakie jest twoje największe osiągnięcie?:
I have been doing a great deal of work in the disability arena, including currently being on the MDA National Community Advisory Committee and working with several other organizations while I also start the LGMD2L Foundation.
Jak LGMD wpłynęło na to, że stałeś się osobą, którą jesteś dzisiaj:
When you look at what I list as my greatest achievement you can tell that having LGMD2L has led me to work for so many people with disabilities of all types.
Co chciałbyś, aby świat dowiedział się o LGMD?:
That we are getting closer and closer to some real treatments and cures and if we all work together, this achievement of possibly eradicating muscular dystrophy would help so many people and families, present and future.
Gdyby jutro można było "wyleczyć" chorobę LGMD, co byłoby pierwszą rzeczą, którą chciałbyś zrobić?:
I would begin to work out again like in my youth and focus on building real strength and health while enjoying traveling and the beauties of the world.
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