
NAZWA:  Michal   WIEK: 35 yrs. oldUnknown -Michal R

KRAJ: Poland

Podtyp LGMD: Unknown


W jakim wieku zostałeś zdiagnozowany?:

I was diagnosed when I was 25 years old.

Jakie były pierwsze objawy?:

When I was a baby, my neck muscles were too weak and I had difficulty holding my head up.  I was delayed and didn’t start to walk until I was 4year old.  I stopped walking at the age of 14.

Czy masz innych członków rodziny cierpiących na LGMD?

NO , I’m the only person in my family who has this disease.

Co uważasz za największe wyzwanie w życiu z LGMD?: For me the greatest challenge is that I cannot do some things such as walking, running. stand without help, get dressed, etc.   I tried to control my activities so that I have enough energy to do the activities that I want to do.

Jakie jest twoje największe osiągnięcie?:

One of the biggest achievement in my life is that I have real great parents, friends, and colleagues who encourage me to live a fairly optimistic life and let me forget about my disability.

Jak LGMD wpłynęło na to, że stałeś się osobą, którą jesteś dzisiaj:

I have become more insensitive to pain and I’m not fearful of any challenges

Co chciałbyś, aby świat dowiedział się o LGMD?:

I want the world to know that people with LGMD may need more help to live independently – such as a personal care attendant,  improved access to adaptive and assistive equipment as well as medicines.  A cure and treatment is needed to treat all the LGMD patients.

Gdyby jutro można było "wyleczyć" chorobę LGMD, co byłoby pierwszą rzeczą, którą chciałbyś zrobić?:

I think if I were cure tomorrow, I would run and do everything I never could do!


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