Nome:  Scott  Idade: 48 yrs. oldLGMD2L - Scott

País: Estados Unidos

LGMD Sub-tipo:  LGMD 2L – also known as Anoctaminopathy


Com que idade foi diagnosticado:

Although my MD began about 15 years ago, I was finally diagnosed recently with limb-girdle MD Type 2L. Until now, I was only informed by doctors that it was LGMD.

Quais foram os seus primeiros sintomas:

I began having difficulty climbing stairs and running.

Tem outros familiares que sofrem de LGMD:


Quais são, na sua opinião, os maiores desafios de viver com a LGMD?:

I have always been an independent person.  Since I am an only child, I always did things on my own. Lately, I have had to rely more and more on family and friends.  Also, it drives me nuts as to how long it takes me to do things now.

Qual é a sua maior realização:

I am proud to have completed college and earned my degree.

Also, I am happy to have worked 30 years for the same company before having to resign due my struggling with MD.

Como é que a LGMD o influenciou a tornar-se a pessoa que é hoje?

I am still trying to develop patience. I take pride in accomplishing tasks that once I took for granted.

O que quer que o mundo saiba sobre a LGMD:

Please continue to support local and national MD charities whether it be financially or volunteering time to those in need. It is greatly appreciated.

Se a sua LGMD pudesse ser "curada" amanhã, qual seria a primeira coisa que gostaria de fazer?:

Walk unassisted down by the ocean at one of my local beaches.


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