Nome:  Lori  Idade: 47 yrs. old

País: Estados Unidos

LGMD Sub-tipo: LGMD2i

Com que idade foi diagnosticado:

I was diagnosed at the age of 41.

Quais foram os seus primeiros sintomas:

The first symptoms that I noticed were muscle weakness and falling although at the time I didn’t realize that they were anything serious.

Tem outros familiares que sofrem de LGMD:

Yes, my younger sister also has LGMD2i.

Quais são, na sua opinião, os maiores desafios de viver com a LGMD?:

My greatest challenge is lacking the energy and physical strength to do everything I used to do and everything I want to do.

Qual é a sua maior realização:

My greatest accomplishments are raising my two sons (ages 17 and 24) and becoming an attorney.

Como é que a LGMD o influenciou a tornar-se a pessoa que é hoje?

Having LGMD causes me to be more grateful for what I can do and for the people in my life.

O que quer que o mundo saiba sobre a LGMD:

I would like people to know that LGMD is a genetic disease for which there is no treatment or cure at this time.

Se a sua LGMD pudesse ser "curada" amanhã, qual seria a primeira coisa que gostaria de fazer?:

If I was cured tomorrow, I would like to go hiking or for a long walk.


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