LGMD Spotlight interview – 09/02/2016
Nome: Melanie Idade: 29 yrs. old
País: Germany
LGMD Sub-tipo : LGMD2i (heterozygous type)
Com que idade foi diagnosticado:
I was diagnosed at the age of 4 by having a muscle biopsy.
Quais foram os seus primeiros sintomas:
I always fell when I tried to run and to take the stairs. This resulted in many bruises and scars! In addition, I couldn’t get up from the floor by myself. These symptoms already showed up around the age of 2.
Tem outros familiares que sofrem de LGMD:
Não, sou a única pessoa da minha família com LGMD.
Quais são, na sua opinião, os maiores desafios de viver com a LGMD?:
The greatest challenge is to make people understand that I’m not too lazy to do everyday tasks but I am too weak to do them on my own. Another challenge for many of us is accepting a wheelchair as your best friend!
Qual é a sua maior realização:
There are far too many accomplishments! Living a good life with LGMD is an accomplishment in itself! On my blog ( I write about all of my accomplishments and adventures on wheels.
Como é que a LGMD o influenciou a tornar-se a pessoa que é hoje?
I grew up with LGMD. It made me a very strong person. Dealing with a progressive disease that causes muscle weakness and atrophy while being fully conscious about it is a demanding challenge I appreciate every day of my life! I stopped working recently to have more time to do all the things I love. LGMD taught me to take things the easy way. Enjoy more, worry less, stay positive and spend as much time as possible with loved ones. That’s my way!
O que quer que o mundo saiba sobre a LGMD:
LGMD is a rare and tricky disease. It cannot be compared to any other disease like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), etc. It is important to fully listen to a person who has LGMD when he or she asks for assistance – to avoid hurting him or her in the process.
Se a sua LGMD pudesse ser "curada" amanhã, qual seria a primeira coisa que gostaria de fazer?:
I would get up from the bed by myself, dress and then go for the walk of my life! I would walk for as long as my feet would carry me.
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