Имя: Fred Возраст: 36 yrs. old
Страна: Соединенные Штаты
LGMD Подтип: LGMD2A / Calpainopathy
В каком возрасте вам был поставлен диагноз:
Диагноз мне поставили в 13 лет.
Каковы были ваши первые симптомы:
Looking back I was always slightly slower than the other kids but I can’t say there was one symptom which my parents or I noticed. I was diagnosed on a fluke. I had gone skiing with a church group and ultimately broke my leg. When I went to the hospital emergency room for my broken leg, a Dr noticed that I was not as strong as I should have been at that age. That resulted in a muscle biopsy. Initially, I was diagnosed with Becker’s MD, this was all pre-DNA testing.
Есть ли у вас другие члены семьи, страдающие LGMD:
Нет, я единственный.
Что, по вашему мнению, является наибольшей проблемой в жизни с LGMD:
The greatest challenge for me is not being able to hold my 7-month old without assistance. Constantly having to advocate for me as it pertains to this condition. I never noticed how many people have “ableist” attitudes. The last for me would be not being able to freely visit friends and family.
Какое ваше самое большое достижение:
I have so many accomplishments, but if I could only choose one I’d say working my way off of SSI. After my diagnosis, I had given up hope of ever having a job, a car, a home, a family of my own etc. Today, I am a state police dispatcher, I drive, I have a beautiful family, I’m currently looking to purchase my first home, and I’m optimistic that when the time comes and I no longer can physically do the job I have that God will provide another opportunity.
Как LGMD повлиял на то, что вы стали тем человеком, которым являетесь сегодня:
LGMD has taught me how to fight for what I want. It’s taught me that I’m never as limited as I may think. Anything is possible.
Что вы хотите, чтобы мир узнал о LGMD:
That LGMD has not been cured yet but, with their help, it can be.
Если бы ваш LGMD можно было "вылечить" завтра, что бы вы хотели сделать в первую очередь:
Pick my little boy up, give him a tight hug, toss him up in the air and catch him.
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