
Name:  Eva    Age: 33 Yrs. OldUnknown - Eva

Country:  Kenya

LGMD Sub-Type :  Unknown


我在 14 岁时被确诊。


I had difficulty running fast and raising my hand up with ease. I was never able also to bend and sweep the floor properly when it came to doing house chores.

您是否有其他家庭成员患有 LGMD:

No. I am the only one with muscular dystrophy in our family.

您认为患有 LGMD 的最大挑战是什么?:

My muscles are getting weaker by the day and that means my level of dependency is also increasing. It’s hard for me to keep a personal caregiver because most of them do not have the heart, they start complaining just weeks after being employed. I am grateful for the support I get from my husband and relatives who show up to keep my house clean and assist in any way possible.


Getting married and starting a family with my husband,  Creating awareness about Muscular Dystrophy in Kenya. Many people are now aware of the condition and are glad to have started because I have met more people in the country with the same condition through Muscular Dystrophy Awareness of Kenya and hoping still to do more.

lgmd 是如何影响你成为今天的自己的?

Because of  LGMD I think I have to plan my days in advance, I cannot just wake up in the morning and say, today am going out simply because transport has to be arranged, I must have an escort e.t.c. I am also very optimistic of the future and my life is influenced much with my Christian beliefs.

您想让世界了解 LGMD 的哪些方面?

A diagnosis of LGMD  is not a death sentence, you can live your life to the fullest doing what you can at the time. LGMD weakens your muscles but it shouldn’t weaken your spirit. People living with LGMD can work and employers should not shy away from employing us. With the research work going on, plus the trials a cure for muscular dystrophy is in the horizon, I hope it gets here sooner.  

如果明天就能 "治愈 "你的老年痴呆症,你首先想做的是什么?
I would kneel down, raise my hands towards heaven and worship my God.